Friday, May 28, 2010

So this will be my first official post on The Polka-Dotted Tulip.
I started this blog back in January and have not had the courage to start writing in it until now. I wanted to write this as kind of a "day in the life of a stay at home mom.." But then I was thinking I want this as way to record all the wonderful (at times crazy) moments of mommy-hood. 
Today is my sister's 32nd birthday. It is weird just saying that age because it means in no time I will be 29. (Since my birthday is a little over a week away). Where did all the years go. Amélie I spent the day at the zoo with my sister, which was a complete blast. After a nice and filling lunch at Chipotle we drove home. Within 5 minutes of being in the car I look in my rearview mirror to find my beautiful daughter sleeping. She was utterly exhausted after spending time with her Auntie and the animals in the sun, but we then had lunch with her Uncle Seth. She was needless to say the entertainment for us all. After singing "I'm a little tea pot" and "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider", eating extra spicy salsa and repeating every word we ask her (even Jesus, God and Bible) who wouldn't be drained.  My favorite part of the day was carrying her up to her crib. There is just something to be said about how her little head fits so perfectly on my shoulder and my head so effortlessly rests on hers. Hearing her breath in and out. This is something I will never forget about having children. At first they fit so perfectly in your arms and for now her head feels amazing sleeping on my shoulder, but as I hold her and feel her toes hit the middle of my thighs I know that she is getting bigger and sadly this too will end quicker than I want it to.

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